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Have you been experiencing pain, tingling or numbness in your feet or hands that just won’t go away? You may be suffering from peripheral neuropathy. This is a condition that develops as a result of damaged peripheral nerves. It can affect other areas of the body, not just the hands and feet. A Chiropractor Parkland FL can will be able to help relieve pain and treat symptoms of neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the signals that send information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body are interrupted. When someone has the condition, pain signals will be sent to the brain and spine even without tissue damage. This means that the nervous system is somewhat creating its own pain.

Rather than an injury causing pain, the nerves themselves tend to create pain because they have been damaged or malfunctioned. Peripheral neuropathy is a condition where the nerves become the source of pain. The pain symptoms begin slowly and tend to worsen over time. A Chiropractor Parkland Fl knows that condition can quickly undermine one’s quality of life if not resolved. The nerves will continue to be more sensitive to pain and numbness.

Are you at risk of peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy usually affects people with conditions like diabetes and is more common as one ages. Some people will get the condition because of nutritional deficiencies and compressed nerves. Chiropractor Parkland FL care can help to treat peripheral neuropathy.

How Chiropractor Parkland FL care can help

With this condition, making sure the damaged nerves receive adequate nutrients and oxygen is a key factor in the healing process. That’s why our Parkland Chiropractor will recommend taking foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables. We will provide the nutritional guidance to help get rid of the free radicals that are contributing to the damaged cells in the body causing an interruption in nerve transmission.

Spinal manipulation

Spinal adjustments can help to treat neuropathy. As we grow old, the vertebral joints of the spine regenerate applying pressure on the roots of the spinal nerves. This causes pain, numbness and tingling, which are common symptoms of neuropathy. Chiropractors have the training to help relieve this pressure on the spine by performing spinal adjustments. The spinal manipulation is done to release the trapped or compressed nerves improving one’s quality of life.

Why chiropractic care for neuropathy?

Chiropractor Parkland FL treatments are safe, gentle and non-invasive. We can help you to effectively deal with the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy by first evaluating your condition and recommending a suitable course of treatment for you.

What Is Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition where the feeling in your feet or hands is abnormal.

  • There may be tingling, or pain or numbness.
  • These problems often develop slowly, are irritating and often worsen over time.
  • The condition frequently interrupts sleep in the early hours of the morning

How To Stop Your Pain

Hi. I’m Dr. Neil Scharf from Parkland Pain Relief Center. I know you’re here because of your neuropathy pain, and you’d like some relief from your pain. I get it.I had a patient the other day that had numbness, tingling and balance problems. Her feet hurt, and she could hardly walk. In fact she had to have braces on her lower legs to help her walk and she was getting worse by the week. She didn’t think I could help, and I have to say, it wasn’t easy, but with our specialized treatment protocols, she’s been able to finally get some help. She did try drugs, and even some vitamins but my experience with neuropathy in Coral Springs has shown me that there are only a few things that you have to do to help people get their neuropathy symptoms under control.

Neuropathy is no laughing matter. It can cause serious weakness, numbness and even pain to your body. It’s a problem with the nerves that is usually brought on due to a medical condition such as diabetes (the most common cause), certain types of cancers, kidney or liver disease, vitamin deficiencies and other reasons. It can also be caused from drug and alcohol abuse or a physical trauma like when you are in a car accident.

The cause is important in understanding your treatment options. At Parkland Pain Relief Center we have years of experience in treating neuropathy for patients in Boca Raton, Coral Springs and throughout South Florida. The first thing to remember is that it is a tough process you do not want to do on your own. You want someone who can give you the guidance you need based on their experience. Treatment options are available to help improve your symptoms, even if a permanent fix isn’t possible. There’s no reason why you should deal with the pain and every option should be exhausted.

Alleviating the symptoms patients experience from neuropathy in Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Parkland or anywhere else in South Florida is our main goal. This is done with real personal interaction, one on one time and it begins with setting realistic expectations. You know what to expect before you begin the process of recovery and you will see the progress you are making each time you come in for neuropathy treatment. That’s the dedication you get from our team and will receive every time you walk into our Parkland facility.